Monday, January 23, 2012


I can't begin to explain how very scary this fire was. We were all sitting in the family room when Carter came running in yelling.. FIRE! Aaron jumped off the couch and ran to look and all he could see was a wall of flames on the other side of our fence towering about 7 feet tall. He yelled to me to call 911 and I quickly rushed the kids outside to the garage away from the house to keep them safe and out of the wind and smoke. The wind was possibly 40-50 mph. In moments like this you quickly think, what should I grab from the house? I only managed to take outside some photo albums and scriptures and I knew I needed to get out there and fight the fire. At this time Aaron was working on the keeping the fire from the barn which was full of hay and outside the barn were piles of old hay, grass clippings, and branches that were all aflame. I grabbed buckets of water to put the fire out which was now in our yard and to wet the fence down to try to keep the fire on the other side of the fence. A policeman showed up quickly and we grabbed my fire extinguishers and continued to work on the fire to keep it from the house. It was such a whirlwind of activity its hard to describe it all. I had one moment to check on Carter, Gavin and Maggie in the garage where we said a heartfelt and pleading prayer to our Father in Heaven. Zach was such a hero, he was working with me continually bringing buckets of water to defend the house. All in all, five fire trucks came, an ambulance and many big SUV's of emergency workers and it was finally put out around 6:30. It had started at 4:50. The policeman awarded Zach a badge for his bravery. When it was all over we were exhausted with smoke filled lungs, tired bodies and a sense of deep gratitude for the miracle and pray which was heard and answered. We all broke down as we offered a prayer of thanks for protecting our home and each other. When things like this happen we have the opportunity to realize what is most important in our lives. I am so grateful for this gospel and for my family.


Strupp Family said...

I'm SOO glad you guys are ok! That is absolutely crazy and scary! Trevor told me all about it last night after he talked to Aaron. You guys are amazing for taking such initiative.

For future reference, you're always welcome to live with us if you need to :)

jessie roberts said...

You know when you build that home I will consider it mine too :) Lets get together again soon!